Sunday 14 March 2010

Getting back to blogging...Lit Koeln

Sunday, March 14
Another rainy and grey Sunday this month of March.
Have to fight the addiction to click to my Farm
and talk to some avatars in this small network of buddies
I have created since I started virtual farming. You really
miss them and that's what this game is all have
your own mini world of contacts, not just the thrill of getting
XP experience points and coins from virtual harvesting, plowing
and get wishes, greetings, small talks, weather
checks from countries of your buddies, their work situation.
I have one dancing partner every now and then, and one woman
who calls me Hun...or ends her sentence with that term. Funny,
but endearing somehow.So while waiting for my pineapples to
mature and hating the thought that I have to sort papers out again,
I'm getting back to blogging...adding spice to my own private
I bumped into Manuel last Saturday while rushing to get my
train home. He said he had just returned from Lissabon the other
day but mentioned about a visiting Portuguese author who is
participating in this yearly LitCol,
said to be the biggest of its kind in Europe, a literary event.

What I have been missing by being a virtual farmer?
Read not reap the virtual fruits...the new slogan for me.

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